Photo de l'Abbaye de Royaumont et de ses alentours prise du ciel à Asnière-sur-Oise

Royaumont Abbey, welcome to the gates of paradise

Explore Royaumont Abbey and immerse yourself in a world of nature and serenity. 800 years after its creation, the place still has the same atmosphere: a unique, spiritual setting, enriched by centuries of experience.

To immerse yourself in the place before reading, follow the virtual tour :

Royaumont Abbey combines history and digital technology

Curious about architecture and history ? You'll be seduced by this majestic, particularly well-preserved building, with its magnificent cloister, vaulted rooms and verdant grounds. From its foundation by Saint Louis in the 13th century to its transformation into a military hospital during the Great War, the abbey is a formidable transmitter of memory !

Enjoy our digital tour. Terminals give you access to archive images, interviews and unpublished documents retracing the history of the Abbey.

Want more ? You can borrow glasses that recreate the architecture of the church, which has now completely disappeared.


Royaumont is also surrounded by an exceptional natural setting: the park, the 9-square garden, the cloister garden and the vegetable garden give the abbey a timeless green setting.

Focus on arts

The Royaumont Foundation's international center for music and dance artists enables the abbey to host numerous artists-in-residence and colloquia each year. But Royaumont's not-to-be-missed event is its annual festival !

On the program: dozens of concerts and shows spread over 6 weekends in autumn...! There are also meetings with artists, workshops and a host of family activities.

Perfect place for a unique romantic night

For those who want to extend the experience with an unusual night out, the abbey has added the Royaumont hotel and restaurant to its range of services on weekends. Dine under vaulted ceilings, fall asleep in peace and quiet, wake up to a stunning view of the park or cloister...

For a meal or an overnight stay, take full advantage of the peaceful atmosphere of this exceptional site. Royaumont is also an experience !

